The Wintervale Knight: Episode 52

Paul paced up and down in the meeting hall, his hands firmly clasped behind his back. Jonah, Sophia, Charlie and Brother Ian waited as Paul struggled to calm himself before speaking.

Finally, Paul stopped and brought his hand up to his face, his fingers closed in a tight fist over his mouth.

He stared at the floor as he slowed his breathing.

Tired of the prolonged silence and tension, Ian said,

“You called this meeting, Paul. What is troubling you?”

Paul stared with a burning intensity that could have set the floorboards on fire.

“My job, as I understand it,” he said, “is to ensure the safety of Lichenhurst.”

He looked up at Ian and asked,

“Is that correct?”

“That is correct,” Ian confirmed.

“Then how may I ask am I supposed to maintain the security of this place and the safety of its people when . . .”

Paul pointed at the door as he shouted,

“He keeps bringing home strays?”

“Strays?” Sophia asked.

“First Scarlet Reay. I was forced to let her stay, and because of her, my boys Stephen and Cole are running around Mt. Rennick establishing a paper trail should anyone try to track her.”

Paul exhaled and took a few deep breaths to calm himself.

“I accepted that Sir Thomas cares for her, and the last thing I want to do is cross him. But now after almost getting yourself killed. . .”

Paul turned to Jonah,

“You bring home not one but two more strays?”

When Sophia reached out for Jonah’s shoulder and began to speak, Jonah stopped her.

“You’re right, Paul. What I did was stupid. I was worried about my family and my very pregnant wife. But in my defense, the butler Fredrick is the only one I brought. The other guy is a drifter Sir Thomas called Sir Eldridge.”

“Another knight?” Sophia asked.

“I didn’t get much information from him. He helped stop Clairbourne, and he claims he was searching for some sword,” Jonah said.

Jonah turned back to Paul and continued.

“I don’t know much about this Eldridge guy, but Fredrick was a prisoner of Clairbourne. That maniac removed Fredrick’s tongue. He helped save my life. He doesn’t have to stay here, but I certainly couldn’t just leave him in that house.”

“Fredrick is being checked out at the hospital. Once Dr. Shrivastav releases him, we can send him somewhere safe. What concerns me is this other knight Eldridge,” Ian said. “You said you don’t know much about him.”

“No. Not a whole lot,” Jonah said. “His name is Simon Eldridge, and he said the sword he got from Clairbourne has a name. I can’t remember it, but Eldridge called it the soul sword.”

“Any idea why he would risk tangling with Clairbourne for a sword?” Ian asked.

“This isn’t just any sword,” Simon Eldridge said, suddenly appearing at the back of the room.

He stepped up and gently lay the sword on the table. The sword seemed to glow and give off a faint hum.

When Ian recognized Simon as the drifter he had seen earlier in town, he moved away from the sword.

“I know you,” Ian said unnerved.

“I apologize for my presence,” Simon said. “I am on a mission. I woke up long ago in a field with no memory, but somehow I knew my mission was to retrieve the seven swords.”

“Seven swords?” Sophia asked.

“Yes. Long ago, seven brothers swore an oath. They swore to serve no man, woman or king. They vowed to protect the land and the people from any who would do them harm. The elder gods showed favor to these seven brothers and gave each of them a sword. Each sword was imbued with one of the seven elements of creation. Over time, the swords were lost, along with the knights’ oath. It is my mission to find all seven swords and give them to those who will take up the knights’ oath,” Simon explained.

“You have the sword,” Paul said. “So why are you still here?”

Simon looked at Paul and said,

“Because I believe you are going to need my help.”

* * *

The small band played Celtic music as Scarlett watched the people of Lichenhurst celebrate around a large bonfire whose flames seemed to reach the sky. Even though she was comfortable here, she still didn’t feel like one of them. After Clairbourne’s death, Jonah had brought everyone back to Lichenhurst while Sir Thomas went to speak with the Lady Wintervale.

Emerging from the dancing crowd came a waddling Jasmine, her baby growing larger every day.

When Scarlett started to get up to help her, Jasmine waved her off.

“I’ve done this before. I can do it again,” Jasmine assured her.

Once she reached the steps, she stood staring at them.

“You sure you’re okay?” Scarlett asked.

“Why couldn’t these steps be smaller?” Jasmine asked.

“Dang, sis. You need to lay off the poached eggs,” someone said.

Scarlett looked up to see two smiling young men behind Jasmine.

“Leave her alone,” one told the other. “Clearly she just ate, and now she must wait two weeks to digest whatever animal she devoured.”

Jasmine turned to both men and shouted with glee.

“Hug me!” she ordered. “I can’t move.”

She threw her arms around both men and said with great affection,

“I missed you two.”

“Sorry, sis,” the older apologized. “Dad had us running around Mt. Rennick. He told us to leave a paper trial in case anyone went looking for your friend here.”

Jasmine turned to Scarlett and said,

“Speaking of which, Scarlett Reay, these are my brothers,”

Jasmine pointed to the younger of the two.

“This is Stephen,” she said.

“Ma’am,” Stephen answered, rubbing his hand over his buzz cut.

Pointing to the older brother, Jasmine said,

And this is Cole.”

“Ma’am,” Cole said, stroking his long beard.

“I’m so glad you’re back. I really missed you two,” Jasmine repeated.

“Well no one could miss you!” Stephen teased, combing his beard.

“Seriously. Is the baby standing on your spine?” Cole asked.

“I’m due any day now,” Jasmine said.

“How’s Jonah?” Stephen asked.

“Freaking out. He almost got himself killed. He’s not thinking straight,” Jasmine said.

“Well don’t worry. Now we’re back, we’ll help keep him on his toes,” Cole replied, brushing his long hair out of his face.

“Get this,” Jasmine said. “We found another knight.”

Stephen and Cole looked surprised.

“Another knight?” Stephen asked.

Jasmine nodded.

“I know. Two knights,” she said. “Looks like I settled down too soon.”

“Don’t let Jonah hear you say that,” Cole said.

Oh it’s obvious she loves Jonah!” Scarlett laughed.

“I may not if I have to carry this baby much longer,” Jasmine moaned.

Suddenly she went quiet as her eyes widened.

“What’s wrong?” Stephen asked.

“The baby is coming!” Jasmine said.

“You sure?” Cole asked.

“This is not my first rodeo! Go get Jonah! Now!” Jasmine ordered.